Twelve Theological Truths

Twelve Torah-Rooted Theological Truths

  1. There is one and only one God. (A radical idea at the time considering the multitude of gods typically worshipped in Biblical times. Exodus 20:1-8)
  2. God created the universe and all that is in it. (We don’t know how He did that, but scientific investigation has revealed much about how it works, how miraculous it is, and how it could not have happened by accident. If evolution is the key (and I believe it is), it is because God created evolution.)
  3. God’s creation was and is good. (Genesis 1:31 – Though certainly subject to abuse and misuse by us.)
  4. God is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love. (Exodus 34:6 – Clearly seen in the stories of his dealing with his chosen people, Abraham and his descendants, loving and caring for them in spite of their grumbling and disobedience.)
  5. God is personal for each of us and calls us for various purposes, all aimed at the final goal, that “all nations of the earth shall be blessed.”  (Genesis 18:18)
  6. We human creatures, created “in the image of God,” have free will and are responsible for responding to and cooperating with God’s call. (We will find ourselves wandering in the wilderness until we respond appropriately, and we will stumble and err even after that.)
  7. We are to love God and neighbor and received a few simple rules just to get us started on the right path. (Check out the Ten Commandments, to be later elaborated on and explained by Jesus.)
  8. We human creatures have dominion over the earth and are responsible for the understanding, care, and proper use of it. (Genesis 1:27-29)
  9. Marriage is instituted by God, and the resulting family is important. (Genesis 2:21-23; Exodus 20:12)
  10. We are to avoid hoarding and share what we have with those in need. (Leviticus 19:9-10)
  11. We are to be holy, set aside for God’s purposes and obedient to his commands. (Leviticus 20:26)
  12. Faith or trust in God is the key to spiritual peace and contentment. (Genesis 12:1-5 God told Abraham to get up and go, and Abraham got up and went.  Romans 4:3)

(Originally posted 8/4/21 in stpetersmpg)