Category: Theology

A Holy Week Meditation

134 All sacred Scripture is but one book, and this one book is Christ, “because all divine Scripture speaks of Christ, and all divine Scripture is fulfilled in Christ” – The Catholic Catechism The diagram below started with one I published earlier, Chaos to Church.  I had some feedback and suggestions on that one, and […]

Luther, Good Works, and Favorite Bible Verses

In discussions among Christians it is common to be asked to share one’s favorite Bible verse. I don’t have a favorite movie, song, vacation spot, color, city, grandchild, or Bible verse. Except in the case of my one and only and therefore favorite wife, I just don’t think in terms of favorites but rather in […]


An interesting way to view the history of The Church is through consideration of the struggle that has gone on through the centuries to understand and explain the unexplainable.  From a Catholic viewpoint, possible explanations that were rejected by the church carry the label, “heresy,” meaning that while we have no full and complete and […]


April 15, 1951, I was baptized into the Christian faith at First Baptist Church, Maryville, TN.  Today, Pentecost, June 12, 2011, I received the Sacrament of Confirmation at St. Peter’s Catholic Church, Columbia, SC.  Thank you, Jesus, for this special manifestation of the gift of The Holy Spirit. CHAPTER ONE THE SACRAMENTS OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION […]